Cassava Leaves Curry is a traditional Malay. Some would call this dish “Sayur Kampung” meaning Village Vegetable. This used to be a staple family dish for farmers but has been a traditional favorite for many people, farmers or otherwise. 

MAPO TOFU (麻婆豆腐)

Mapo Tofu is a popular Chinese dish from Sichuan province. This dish is easy to prepare without special technique using tofu and minced meat as the main ingredients. Silky soft tofu with minced beef in a rich and flavorful chili bean sauce taste amazingly delicious. The hint of hot and spicy makes this a perfect meal for that cold night.


Sambal Eggplant offers a delightful combination of textures and flavors, with the tender eggplant providing a mild and creamy backdrop to the vibrant and spicy sambal sauce. It is a favorite among those who enjoy the heat and complexity of Southeast Asian cuisine.


Gado Gado is a popular Indonesian salad that consists of a vibrant assortment of cooked and raw vegetables, eggs, tofu, and tempeh, dressed with peanut sauce. What truly elevates Gado Gado is the rich, mildly spicy but creamy peanut sauce that is generously poured over the salad, tying everything together creating a delightful explosion of tastes in each mouthful.


Hot Plate Tofu is a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds. The dish starts with silky cubes of egg tofu, which are delicately fried until they develop a golden crust while retaining their delicate interior texture. The luscious sauce coats the tofu and other ingredients, bringing all the flavors together and adding an irresistible umami depth. As the hot plate is brought to the table, a captivating sizzle fills the air presenting you with a comforting and hearty dish.

KIMCHI STEW (Kimchi Jjigae | 김치찌개)

The magic of Kimchi Stew lies in the complex flavors that develop during cooking. As the stew simmers, the heat infuses the kimchi and other ingredients, allowing their flavors to meld together. The resulting stew is hearty and comforting, with a deep red color and a tantalizing aroma that awakens the senses. The spiciness of the kimchi adds a fiery kick, while the savory pork, tofu, and vegetables provide contrasting textures and flavors that complement each other perfectly.


The seasoned potatoes are roasted in the oven until they turn golden brown and develop a delightful crispness on the outside. As they cook, the layers separate slightly, giving the potatoes their signature "hasselback" appearance. This versatile side dish pairs well with a wide range of main courses, from roast meats to grilled vegetables.


Herbs mashed potatoes are a delightful and flavorful twist on the classic side dish. The addition of the herbs infuses the mashed potatoes with their aromatic qualities, enhancing the overall taste. They bring vibrant flavors, earthy undertones, and a touch of brightness to the dish.


Mashed sweet potatoes is a delicious and nutritious option that showcases the natural sweetness of the potatoes that adds a unique and enjoyable taste when paired with various main course. They offer a comforting and slightly richer alternative to a traditional mashed potatoes.